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Code DSI: Differentiable Code Search

Undergraduate research paper in Neural Code Search. I present CodeDSI, an end-to-end unified approach to code search.

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Course Planner

Developed a web application to enable students to manage and rate IT courses at Illinois State University. Created using Flask, SQL-Alchemy ORM, Python, HTML & CSS (Hosted on Pythonanywhere).


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Pathfinder Visualiser

Pathfinding visualization created using Pygame, a Python module.

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Sorting Visualiser

Sorting visualization created using Pygame, a Python module.

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Space Battles

A fun and interactive game I made using Pygame, a Python module.

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Tic-Tac-Toe AI

Unbeatable Tic-tac-toe AI built using Minimax algorithm.

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Sedoku AI

Created AI using Backtracking algorithm to solve sedoku puzzles.

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Programs and Extracurricular activities

Below you can find some programs and extracurricular activities I'm partaking in.